August 21, 2015

Take a picture of one of our releases with your city or town!

To our customers worldwide,

It’s truly incredible and humbling to know that we have so much love and support from all over the world.

Which is why we’ve prepared a special event.

Take a picture of one of our releases with your city or town visible in the background. It could be the Hollywood Sign, the Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Big Ben, etc. But the picture doesn’t have to have a famous tourist attraction in the background. It could just show the neighborhood you live in.

You can tweet the picture to us @plain_archive, or upload it to your Instagram account by tagging us @plainarchive or post it on our Facebook Page at (*Deadline : 25th August)

Please don’t forget to mention your location. (eg. Edinburgh, Scotland)

There will be 10 winners, and each person will receive a special gift.

Good luck and have fun!

Best regards