News & Notice

PRE-ORDER : Tinker Ticker Shooting Script
Tinker Ticker Shooting Script
Pre-order: April 21 / 4PM Korea Time.
The total print-run will be determined mainly by how many pre-orders we receive by April 23.
Comes with a Slipbox. A bookmark, when you pre-order.
276 pages
**This book is entirely in Korean. It does NOT include English.
Thank you

PRE-ORDER : The Silenced / Tinker Ticker Second Edition Blu-ray
The Silenced / Tinker Ticker Second Edition Blu-ray
Pre-order: April 21 / 4PM Korea Time
The total print-run will be determined mainly by how many pre-orders we receive by April 23.
The Silenced will include 2 Discs, one of which will be the OST CD featuring 8 tracks. The CD will not be sold separately.
The Silenced: $34.89
Tinker Ticker Second Edtion: $31.89
Thank you

Tinker Ticker: Second Edition
Tinker Ticker: Second Edition
Coming this April.
- Keep case artwork
- Booklet artwork
'Tinker Ticker' Release Delay
We're deeply sad to report that we need to delay the release of Tinker Ticker as we've discovered a problem with the audio during our usual quality check.
A digital noise or burst noise can be heard just before the end credits and it seems to have happened during DTS-HD encoding.
This is clearly our mistake and we'd like to express our deepest apologies.
New discs will have to be produced as a result.
If you've ordered I Killed My Mother only, your order will be processed and shipped on May 3rd.
If you've ordered Tinker Ticker + I Killed My Mother / etc., please note that your order will be shipped once we're ready with the fixed version of Tinker Ticker.
Our deepest apologies, once again.
Plain Archive