News & Notice
UPDATE : 'The Imitation Game'
PA020 The Imitation Game : Limited Blu-ray Edition (Design A&B)
<Design A>
<Design B>
Pygmalion, the design studio behind the official Korean poster is working with us on the package design.
More details will be revealed soon.
I Saw The Devil will be available for purchase again soon.
[FYI] HDN's Steelbook of the year 2014, I Saw The Devil will be available for
purchase again soon. Some unsold copies are returning to us from Korean local retailers.
Details coming soon.
Best regards
FUTURE RELEASE : 'I Killed My Mother'
I Killed My Mother (2013) directed by Xavier Dolan
More details coming soon.
Update: Om Shanti Om
Over the past couple of months, we faced some real challenges with Om Shanti Om from the design to the selection of writers for the booklet.
When we first announced the release, we thought it would be best to make the pre-order available as soon as possible. But that’s now changed.
At Plain Archive, not a single upcoming release gets left behind. We work on multiple projects simultaneously. Delays are mostly caused by not reaching the standard of quality which we set ourselves.
We’re almost done with Om Shanti Om. It should follow soon after the release of Two Days, One Night and Frank.
Out sincere thanks for the long wait. Information on the pre-order are coming soon.
Thank you
Best regards
Our New Plan
Dear international customers,
"IDA Pre-order / Our New Plan"
IDA Blu-ray pre-order seems to be going well. Thank you for participating at such an early hour. Ida definitely lacks behind in terms of demand since it’s not a mainstream film that features well-known actors. However, it is a film that we strongly recommend. Not only is it a great film, but we’re proud to say that a lot of effort went into the product.
There seems to be a lot of people stressed over the whole pre-order experience since the level of competition to secure a copy is higher than ever. Which is why we’ve decided to increase the number of copies overall. This is to avoid our product getting completely sold out in a matter of a few hours.
Ida may not be a film that has a huge following compared to others, but our new plan starts today. The plan is to produce enough copies from now on so you don’t need to rush during checkout, aka destroying the F5 button to secure a copy or two for one of our future releases.
We believe that this strategy will serve our existing and potential customers well in the long run. Any new customers shouldn’t have to feel disappointed upon finding out that our earlier products are completely sold out.
Thank you.
**Please note that our new plan doesn’t apply if the release is a joint project that involves other companies.
Best regards
PA012 'Ida' Blu-ray Limited Edition Package:Type B Full-slip Test Sample No.1
* Please note that this is a sample. The quality of print / finish may not reflect the final outcome. The final product could feature a different type of paper or use hot-foil letterpress instead. The sample in the picture shows micro-pattern hot-foil letterpress, etc. which is a first for us. Detailed information regarding the overall package, pre-order, and specifications will be announced after we carry out additional tests with a few more different types of paper. The pre-order will commence once Searching for Sugar Man is shipped.
Best regards
Our partnership with Art Service continues with Frank — one of our upcoming releases.
Two audio commentaries, extra video features, etc. are undergoing the translation process with the package design also in the works. We expect to release Frank at the end of September this year.
FUTURE RELEASE : 'The Act of Killing'
The Act of Killing (2013) by Joshua Oppenheimer, Christine Cynn
Illustrated by Jonathan burton
FUTURE RELEASE : 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy'
'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)' by Tomas Alfredson
More details coming soon.
PA012 <Ida, 2013> by Pawel Pawlikowski
There will be two Keep Case editions available for purchase: Type A and B.
[Type A]
[Type B]
PA 009 'Searching for Sugar Man'
Thank you