News & Notice
Terminator Genisys Steelbook will be available for pre-order on July 27th, 2PM
Plain Selective's first: Terminator Genisys Steelbook will be available for pre-order on July 27th. Details will be announced soon.
Here's the rendered image of the Steelbook. Spot White Base + the title is debossed.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: Collector's Kit
When you purchase either Triple or Quad Pack, we'll be including a Collector's Kit.
Inside the high quality envelope, you'll find: Four Large Plain Archive Exclusive Artwork Postcards (210x148mm), 10 Character Cards, an Original Folded A3 Poster, and Two Stickers.
'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' Steelbook
Steelbook Illustration by Jonathan Burton.
Type A&B Illustration by Krzysztof Domaradzki.
Type C Illustration by Jonathan Burton.
Steelbook made by Scanavo in Denmark.
Pre-order: June 3rd, 2PM Korea Time.
1/4 Slip edition will be available in limited quantity.
Terminator Genisys Steelbook: Inside Artwork
Full Color / Spot White Base.
Terminator Genisys : Inside Artwork for Steelbook™ from PLAIN ARCHIVE on Vimeo.
Vote : Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Steelbook with full-slip Artworks
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Steelbook. Which full-slip would you pick?
Please let us know in the comments below!
The total print run will be 5,000.(1,500 copies for overseas customers)
We won't be releasing a keepcase edition.
UPDATE : 'Terminator Genisys'
Plain Selective's first: Terminator Genisys Steelbook will be available in two fullslip cases. Non-Lenticular and Lenticular.
Expect the pre-order date to be either end of May or early June.
* 2D + 3D Discs
* Best Buy Exclusive Special Features Included
* Dolby Atmos
Plain Selective's Terminator Genisys Steelbook Lenticular Cover
Terminator Genisys Steelbook Lenticular Sample Video (Approved by Paramount) : High quality conversion lens was used to execute a perfect transition effect. It's also high-resolution, allowing the image to stay sharp and minimize any blur.
Lenticular Effect: Terminator Genisys from PLAIN ARCHIVE on Vimeo.
The official launch of Plain Archive's sub-brand Plain Selective.
We're excited to announce the official launch of Plain Archive's sub-brand Plain Selective.
Unlike Plain Archive, Plain Selective will focus on mainstream films of bigger scale and bigger budget as well as a wide variety of genres.
Plain Selective will include releases which the home video sales rights are owned by a different company. The making of these releases will not be controlled by us. Instead, Plain Selective releases are going to be a joint effort between Plain and a partner.
Please note that Plain's main focus will still be Plain Archive. Therefore, Plain Selective could see as little as one or two releases a year.
This official launch of Plain Selective is what you might call an experiment, one of our ways of dealing with the diminishing state of the Blu-ray market. Between Plain and our partners, we'll be taking appropriate measures on our human resources to ensure Plain Archive meets its future release schedule. In other words, Plain Selective will be our second priority, with random release patterns.
By working with Lotte Entertainment and Video Travel, Terminator Genisys (2015) is going to be released as a Steelbook this May.
We'll be posting detailed updates on Terminator Genisys Steelbook as soon as we get Paramount's approval.
Thank you.

UPDATE : 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy'
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy will be a Steelbook release, featuring Jonathan Burton's illustrated artwork.
Details will be announced soon.
The release date of Planet Earth UCE Steelbook
Dear overseas customers,
We've just heard from Mirage Entertainment that they're postponing the release date of Planet Earth UCE Steelbook from January 5 to January 22, 2016.
The delay is caused by the need to spend more time on quality check. We offer our apologies as the exclusive seller of the product for overseas customers.
Best regards
2016 Plain Archive Steelbook - A Most Wanted Man
Based on John le Carré's book, <The American> director Anton Corbijn released <A Most Wanted Man> in 2014 starring the late Philip Seymour Hoffman. This is one of several Steelbooks we'll be releasing in 2016. Release date: Q1 2016.
More details coming soon.
Anthony Petrie is a renowned illustrator and we're glad to be working with him on the Steelbook artwork.